Missing Horse named Missy - bedford, VA, 24523 | NetPosse ID #3175

Missing Horse Near bedford, VA, 24523

NetPosse ID #: 3175
Name: Missy
Gender: mare
Species: Horse
Breed: TN Walking Horse
Description: Missy arrived on our farm two hours earlier at 4 p.m. We stayed with her until 6, and she had calmed down. We ate dinner and returned to check on her at 6:30. She had smashed down a section of four-board fence and bolted. We reported her missing to the Bedford Co. Sheriff's Dept. She was spotted that night on Joppa Mill Rd. in Bedford County, VA. The next morning, dispatch called to say she had been spotted at Dickerson Mill in Bedford Co., but she was not in sight by the time we got there. We have heard no further reports.
Area Last Seen: bedford, VA, 24523
Date Lost: 2/16/2020

