MISSING EQUINE Leo, Near Tavares, FL, 32778

MISSING EQUINE Leo, Near Tavares, FL, 32778

The report with the number 856 does exist but the owner has not yet transferred the report to the new website. As a courtesy you can view a partial summary of the report below.

MISSING EQUINE Leo, Near Tavares, FL, 32778

NetPosse Report ID # : 856 (816)
Description : I was contacted by a lady (contact owner for name), through a rescue I foster with due to needing to find a foster home for one of my rescues Leo, because he was being picked on by my horses. He is a companion only horse and has special needs, so did not want to simply place him. She was supposed to keep him for 30 days, but when time came to pick him up, she stopped responding to my calls and emails. It has now been 60 days and I am desperate to find him
Area Last Seen : Tavares, FL, 32778
Date of Incident : 11/19/2010