Missing Horse named Unclassified - Lawrenceburg, KY, 40342 | NetPosse ID #5252

Missing Horse Near Lawrenceburg, KY, 40342

NetPosse ID #: 5252
Name: Unclassified
Species: Horse
Breed: Thoroughbred
Description: Vicki originally loaned Unclassified to a man for his children to use. The horse was then given away to another individual without the consent of Vicki on February 21, 2016.  That individual put Unclassified in a field in Anderson County off of Johnson Rd. Vicki visited Unclassified several times at that location. On the last time, she had taken a video of him (7/20/16), and he looked great at that time. After that, the individual moved all the horses to an undisclosed property and refused to tell her where he was.Vicki made several trips to Anderson County to see if she could spot the horse. The man finally told her that the horse was in Franklin County but he would not tell her where and stated they would not let her on the farm and would not give a reason why. Vicki continued to search for Unclassified. On 6/2/17, the man that had him told Vicki that Unclassified had passed away. Said that he found him dead and assumed he had colicked. Vicki questioned this further and asked if this was after he moved the horse to another place. He never replied to her inquiry after that. She has spoken with law enforcement in Franklin County who then advised her to see the sheriff in Anderson County. Deputy in Anderson County feels this is a civil situation. She became suspicious that Unclassified had not passed away when someone reached out to her on 6/12/17 to say they saw him listed on a killpen site and someone was trying to bail him out to get him safe. Vicki wants to find Unclassified and bring him home where he belongs.
Area Last Seen: Lawrenceburg, KY, 40342
Date Lost: 6/2/2017

