We can now confirm that these horse thieves were hitting other farms; meaning the second horse was also a recently stolen horse. The second horse that was found, has been CLAIMED by owners. He was found with the missing paint that we originally issued a BOLO for, on December 8th. This chestnut gelding was stolen on November 23, 2020. If you have a stolen or missing horse, it's crucial that you report it to local law enforcement IMMEDIATELY! Miami Dade County, always be on alert. Today we have two happy endings, but to often that is not the case. As horse theft and slaughter is on the rise, and on the rise in other areas of the state, we must be vigilant to protect our beloved pets!
on the horse stolen in Miami Dade County on Monday evening, December 7, 2020! Due to the power of community awareness and support, this horse has been FOUND ALIVE! Investigations are ongoing. What we can tell you as of now, is police arrived at an undisclosed location in unincorporated Miami Dade County, on the night of Tuesday, December 8, 2020, to find not only this stolen horse, but also another horse, tied to a tree, in what we believe was a waiting area, before potential slaughter. Your support saved horse lives today! Fighting horse theft and illegal horse slaughter is only possible when we all come together! Today we thank you for the overwhelming amount of support that was received to recover him. We are currently asking for donations to help support the recovery of the second horse found. Check out our newest post for more info
12/13/2020 4:16:00 PM
12/11/2020 - South Florida SPCA Horse Rescue IMPORTANT UPDATE🚨 We can now confirm that these horse thieves were hitting other farms; meaning the second horse was also a recently stolen horse. The second horse that was found, has been CLAIMED by owners. He was found with the missing paint that we originally issued a BOLO for, on December 8th. This chestnut gelding was stolen on November 23, 2020. If you have a stolen or missing horse, it's crucial that you report it to local law enforcement IMMEDIATELY! Miami Dade County, always be on alert. Today we have two happy endings, but to often that is not the case. As horse theft and slaughter is on the rise, and on the rise in other areas of the state, we must be vigilant to protect our beloved pets! https://www.facebook.com/SouthFloridaSPCA/posts/10159307492449258